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Friday, February 21, 2014

Question of the day.....What does an adoption cost, and why is it so expensive... Differences between agency and private adoptions...

The costs of an adoption today varies depending on what type of adoption you are doing.  Agency adoptions are expensive and can range from approximately $20, 000 to $50,000 or more, private adoptions are less money than an agency adoption probably in the $10,000 range, and foster care leading to an adoption is typically free to the adoptive family because the costs are paid by taxpayers.  

In all 50 states adopting families are responsible for paying for the medical and legal expenses associated with an adoption, and in some states birth mothers are entitled to receive other expenses such as living expenses, money for maternity clothes,  and housing etc.  Every state has different rules regarding expenses, and it is very important that adoptive families understand what they can and can not pay for before agreeing to pay a birth mother for her expenses....Paying a birth mother thousands of dollars for college or other undisclosed expenses is illegal in most states - its called baby selling.....

So, why is an agency adoption so expensive and how does it differ from a private adoption .....

agencies find birth mothers for adopting families - in a private adoption the family has to find a birth mother - it is expensive to advertise and do all the things that are necessary for agencies to find birth mothers - the agencies pass the costs onto their families....

Agencies do all the leg work - they arrange everything with the hospital, the attorneys, and the birth parents - with a private adoption often that is done by the adopting family, and it requires a lot of work...

Agencies counsel birth parents, and work with them before and after the adoption

Agencies provide adopting families with pre-adoption and post-adoption counseling...

Adoption is expensive - that is a fact, but I recommend you work with a licensed child-placement agency ..... they are monitored by their state's licensing authority, and while you will pay more I believe in the long run you will have a better experience.....

If you have more specific questions related to this topic - just holler - HEY ADOPTION LADY...

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